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Lesson 9 How are you today?


★合口双元音: [ai] [au] [?i]



time时间 fine好的five 五kite风筝 like喜欢 side边,旁边eg. We should save time. 我们应该节约时间。

eg. How are you today? I’m fine. 你今天怎么样呀?我很好。

eg. five pens 五只钢笔

eg. fly a kite 放风筝

eg. I like my parents. 我喜欢/爱我的父母。



high高的 night晚上light灯bright明亮的,聪明的 fight打架 注意:1. high的反义词是 low。

2. tights n.(女)紧身裤

eg. good night! 晚安!

eg. turn on the light 打开灯/turn off the light关灯


cry哭 my我的sky天空fly v.飞/n.苍蝇 July七月 reply回答eg. This is my car. 我的小汽车。

eg. blue sky 蓝蓝的天空

eg. The bird is flying. 这只鸟正在飞行。

eg. 回答我 answer me/ reply to me.(reply后面一般加to)

[ai]—ie: die v.死 lie v.说谎,躺下 tie领带

[ai]—ye: eye 眼睛bye int.再见 dye v.染色

eg. beautiful eyes 美丽的眼睛

eg. dye the hair brown. 把头发染成棕色

Read these sentences:

1. The kite is flying highly in the sky. 风筝在高空中飞着。

2. His wife died in July 1995. 他的妻子死于1995年7月。

3. Eyes never lie. 眼睛从来不说谎。

You said you love me, but your eyes never lie. 你说你喜欢/爱我,但你的眼睛不会说谎。

4. Turn on the light at night and the room becomes bright. 晚上把灯打开,房间就变得明亮了。

5. Don’t cry, I will be your side. 不要哭,我会在你的身边。

6. The time is so tight. 时间真紧。

比较:[?] 和[ai]

[?] [ai]

back n.后面;adv. 向后 bike自行车

bat蝙蝠;球拍bite n./v.咬;刺痛

wife妻子 tight紧的 1

cat 猫 kite 风筝

fat 肥的,胖的fight n./v. 打架,斗争



about prep.关于 around围绕 found 找到(原形find)

mouse老鼠(pl. mice) loudly喜欢shout喊

eg. about me 关于我/ around the house 围绕这房子

eg. I found a new watch. 我找到一块新表。

eg. Shout loudly/read loudly. 大声喊/读。


down adv.乡下crowd人群 town 城镇 棕色now现在 how 怎么样 allow允许 Read these sentences:

1. I found a brown mouse in the house. 我在房子里发现了一只棕色的老鼠。

2. Don’t shout loudly. Sit down. 不要大声叫坐下。

3. How can you allow him in? 你怎么可以让他进来呢?

4. He is out and running around the town. 他不在,他正在镇子到处乱跑。

区别:[?]和 [au]

[?] [au]

not不 now现在

hot热 how 怎么样




★双元音[?i],先发[?i] ,单舌位比单元音[?]要略高一些,然后向后一个元音[i]滑动

[?i]—oi: oil油,石油 boil煮voice 声音 choice选择 noise噪音 eg. cooking oil 食用油(自己加的)

eg. boil an egg 煮鸡蛋

eg. in a low voice 以低的声音/in a high voice高声地,大声地

eg. I had no choice. 我没得选。

eg. make a noise 制造噪音

[?i]—oy: boy男孩 enjoy喜欢annoy 讨厌 toy玩具

eg. I like watching TV. = I enjoy watching TV. 我喜欢看电视。

Read these sentences:

1. The boy is making a noise. 这个男孩弄出很多噪音。

2. The boy enjoys playing toys. 这个男孩喜欢玩玩具。

3. It’s annoying to speak in a loud voice. 大声说话真烦人。

4. The oil is boiling. 油开了。


[ei] take取,拿 snake蛇 face

[?u] go去snow joke

[ai] brightcry eye

[au] how now aloud

[?i] boy enjoy voice




helloint. 喂(表示问候)

hi int. 喂,嗨

howadv. 怎样

todayadv. 今天

welladj. 身体好

fineadj. 美好的

thanksint. 谢谢

goodbye int. 再见

see(转 载 于:wWw.HnnsCY.cOM 博文学习网:裕兴新概念英语第一册)v. 见

★how 怎么样 (特殊疑问词)

--how many 多少(可数名词复数)

eg. How many students? 有多少名学生?

eg. How many girls? 有多少名女孩?

eg. How many coats? 有多少见大衣/外套?

--how much 多少(不可数名词,价格)

eg. How much tea?多少茶水?

eg. How much water? 多少水?

eg. How much is the handbag? 这个手提包多少钱?

eg. How much is it? 这个多少钱?

--how long 多长时间

eg. How long have you been in China? 你来中国已经有多长时间了?

--how often 多经常(频率)

eg. How often do you watch TV? 你多长时间看一次电视?

eg. How often do you take a bath? 你多长时间洗一次澡?

--how far 多远(距离)

eg. How far is it from here? 从这里到那里有多远?/距离这里多远

--how soon 多久

eg. I am leaving for Shanghai on business. 我正要出差到上海。

How soon will you come back? 那你将在什么时候回来呀?

eg. How is it going? 近来怎么样?/进展怎么样?

eg. How are you? 你的身体怎么样?/你好吗?(第一次见面不能问,只能问熟人)

★today adv. 今天

--yesterday 昨天

--tomorrow 明天


1) adv. 好(修饰动词)

eg. He cooks well. 他做得一手好菜。

eg. He does well in English.他英语好。


eg. How are you, today? 你今天身体好吗?

I am well. Thank you, and you? 我很好。谢谢你。你呢?


★fine adj. 美好的

eg. How are you? I’m fine. / I’m well.

★thanks int. 谢谢

=thank you

★goodbye = see you

eg. See you tomorrow. 明天见

★see v. 看见,表示结果

eg. I see a bee. 我看见一只蜜蜂。

eg. I see a pen on the desk. 我看见一只钢笔在书桌上。

eg. I see a lot of money in her handbag. 我看见许多钱在她的手提包里。

--look 强调动作过程

eg. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。

eg. Look at that fat man. 看那个胖男人。

--watch v. 看,注视(所看的画面是移动的) n. 手表

eg. I watch TV everyday. 我每天看电视。

eg. watch a football game 看足球比赛


◆Hello, Helen. Hi, Steven.

--hello, hi 一般用于熟人之间打招呼,比较随意

◆How are you today?

--这是朋友和相识的人见面时关于身体情况的一种寒暄。初次见面用How do you do?表示“你好!”。◆I'm very well, thank you. And you?

--And you?= And how are you?

◆I'm fine, thanks.

--thanks=thank you

◆How is Tony?

==How is he?

◆Nice to see you.

--Nice to meet you. (初次见面时打招呼用语)

--Nice to see you. (相互认识的人见面时打招呼用)



Lesson 7 Are you a teacher?




前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [?]

中元音:[?] [?:] [?]

后元音:[a:] [?] [?:] [u] [u:]


双元音则不同,它是由两个单元音组合而成的,因此发音的时候,口形和舌位必定会发生变化。★合口双元音:[ei] [?u] [ai] [au] [?i]


take带走 save节省,拯救face 脸 spade铁锹 fate命运 make制造,做 cake蛋糕


away adv.离开 play玩day天,白天 way道路,方法 pay付钱 hay干草(hey音同)


wait等待(wait for) fail失败mail邮件rain下雨 gain收获 pain痛苦

[ei]—ea: break n.休息v.打断,折断 great伟大

Read these sentences:

1. It rains all days in May. 五月里整天地下雨。

2. No pains, no gains. 不劳不获。

3. Call a spade a spade. 实事求是。

4. Please wait, let’s take a break. 请等一下,咱们休息一下。(take a break休息一下)

5. Who can save my fate and bake the pain away? 谁能拯救我的命运,把我的痛苦统统带走? ★双元音:[?u]—o

go去 no不joke 玩笑 cold冷 close关 home家

[?u]—oa: coat外衣,外套,大衣 soap肥皂boat 船 road路

[?u]—ow: snow雪 show出示know 知道 low低的

注意:1.回家要说成go home,不要说成go to home

2. I like drinking soup. 我喜欢喝汤,千万不要说成I like drinking soap,我喜欢喝肥皂。

3. no 与 know 发音相同

eg. Please show me your card. 请出示你的卡片。

Read these sentences:

1. I am cold. Please close the window. 我现在冷,请关上窗户。

2. I don’t know. 我不知道。

3. Show me your new coat. 给我看一下你的新外套。

4. Country road, take me home. 乡村之路,带我回家(歌曲)



I pron. 我

am v. be动词现在时的第一人称单数

arev. be动词现在时复数

namen. 名字

whatadj.& pron. 什么

nationality n. 国籍

jobn. 工作

keyboard n. 电脑键盘

operator n. 操作人员

engineer n. 工程师

★I pron.我(主格)


eg. I am from China. 我来自中国。

eg. Excuse me! 原谅我/对不起/劳驾


eg. He is a Korean student. 他是一个韩国学生。


eg. She comes from Italy. 她来自意大利。


eg. Are you French? 你是法国人吗?

Yes, I am.是的,我是。

5)we 我们(主格)

eg. We eat meat. 我们吃肉

eg. We eat meat everyday. 我们每天都吃肉。


eg. They are not German. 他们不是德国人。


eg. It is an American make. 这是一个美国牌子。

★am v. 动词现在时第一人称单数

--be: is am are

1)he/she/it + is


3)you/we/they + are

eg. She is very fat. 她非常胖。

eg. Miss Lee is not an Italian. 李小姐不是意大利人。

eg. Are you from Sweden? 你是从瑞典来的吗?

eg. I am a French girl. 我是一名法国女孩。

eg. They are Japanese girls. 她们是日本女孩。

★name 姓名

eg. My name is ….

eg. Your name is …

eg. His name is …

eg. Her name is…

eg. My name is Wendy. 介绍自己

eg. I am …/I am Wendy. 介绍自己

--This is…介绍别人

eg. This my husband. 这是我的丈夫。

eg. This is Mr. Ford. 这是福特先生。

★what adj./pron. 什么?

--特殊疑问词 where、when、who、whose、why引导的问句是特殊疑问句,用降调。


eg. What color is his shirt? 他的衬衣是什么颜色?

eg. What is your name?你叫什么名字?(What’s=What is)

★nationality n. 国籍

--Chinese ChinaJapanese JapanGerman Germany

eg. What nationality are you? 你是哪国人?

eg. Where are you from? 你是哪国人?

eg. Where do you come from? 你是哪国人?

eg. What nationality is Mr. Blake?/ Where is Mr. Blake from? 布雷克先生是哪国人?


eg. What is your job?/What’s your job? 你的工作是什么?

eg. What do you do? 你的工作是什么?

★keyboard n. 电脑键盘(key钥匙,键盘 + board板)

--computer 电脑

★operator n. 操作人员

--keyboard operator 电脑操作员

--operate v. 操作

--direct v. 指导 → director n.指导者,主任

--act v. 行动,活动,表演 → actor. n.演员,男演员

★engineer n. 工程师


eg. Is your father an engineer? 你的父亲是一名工程师吗?

No, he isn’t. 不,他不是。


◆I am a new student.

eg. Are you a new student? 你是一名新学生吗?

Yes, I am/ No, I am not. 是的,我是/不,我不是。

◆My name's Robert.

--My name’s = my name is 介绍自己

--This is 介绍别人

◆Nice to meet you. My name's Sophie.

eg. How do you do? 你好/回答也用How do you do?

◆Are you French? Yes, I am.

eg. Is he German? No, he isn’t. He is American. 他是德国人吗?不,他不是。他是美国人。

◆Are you French, too? No, I am not.


eg. Miss Sophie Dupont is a French, too. Dupont小姐也是一名法国人。 eg. Is her handbag red, too? 她的手提包也是红色的吗?

eg. Chang-woo is not Swedish, either. 昌宇也不是瑞典人。 ◆What nationality are you? I'm Italian.(一般用国籍回答) ==Where are you from? I’m from Italy. (一般用国名回答) ◆What's your job?

==What do you do?

◆I'm a keyboard operator.

-- keyboard operator=typist打字员

裕兴新概念英语第一册篇三:裕兴新概念学习笔记 第一册(61-62)

Lesson 61 A bad cold 重感冒

New Words and expressions 生词和短语

feel v. 感觉

look v. 看(起来)

must modal verb 必须

call v.

doctor n.


remember v.




cold n.

news n.

feelv. 感觉

feel happy

feel tired

feel sick

feel hot



taste 叫,请医生电话记得,记住嘴舌头 坏的,严重的 感冒 消息 感觉幸福,快乐 感觉疲倦 感觉恶心 感觉热 闻起来 尝起来

look 看起来

sound 听起来

主系表结构中,系动词可以是be动词,也可以是感官动词. be 动词后面跟形容词和名词作表语,而感官动词多加形容词做表语. The food smells pleasant.


This dish tastes good.


He looks ill.


That sounds good.


这些感官动词的疑问句式和否定句式与其它实义动词一样,要借助动词do/does, don't /doesn't.

eg. Does the idea sound good?


It doesn't taste good.



1. 感官动词 看起来

eg. You look ill.

She looks sad.

They don't look happy.

2. 实义动词看

eg. Look! There is a monkey in the tree.

Look! She is driving a new BMW.

look at 看...东西 (表示有意思的去看,强调看的动作)

eg. Look at the mother and her daughter . They are so fat. Look at the pretty lady . She is Mr. Lee's wife.

She is looking at the picture on the wall.

see 看见 (表示有意识的看到或碰巧看见,强调看的结果) eg. What can you see in the box?

I see some old and dirty clothes.

I always see him in the park.

watch 观看 (表示看电视,比赛等这种移动的画面)

eg. They usually watch TV at night.

They are watching a football game.

look after 照顾

eg. Can you look after my baby this afternoon?

The mother stays at home and looks after the baby.

look for寻找 (强调找的动作)

eg. What are you doing ?

I am looking for my new pen.

find找到... (强调找的结果)

eg. I can't find my new pen.

Can you find her?

look down on sb瞧不起某人

eg. The boss always looks down on his employees.

must aux.必须

must 是情态动词,没有时态、人称和数格的变化,不能单独作谓语,必须与后面的动词一起作谓语. 它的否定和疑问句在情态动词本身变化,但must 疑问句的否定回答应该用needn't , 表示"不必了"; 而mustn't 表示"绝对不可以"、"千万不要".

eg. She must look after her baby.

Must they clean the office this afternoon?

Yes, they must.

No, they needn't

eg. You mustn't swim in the river.


call v. 请, 打电话给 ...

call the doctor 打电话请医生

call the police 打电话叫警察 eg. You must call him this afternoon.

doctor n. 医生

go to see a doctor 去看医生

eg. You look ill. You must go to see a doctor.

see a doctor about 找医生看...病

eg. You should see a doctor about your cough.你应该找医生来看看你的咳嗽.

the doctor's 医生诊所(Br.)

the doctor's office医生诊所(Am.)

eg. You should go to the doctor's (office) if you feel sick. dentist 牙医

vet 兽医

surgeon 外科医生

telephone n. 电话

telephone number 电话号码

telephone call电话

eg. I received three telephone calls this morning.She always gives me a telephone call on Sundays. phone

call sb to the phone叫某人听电话

eg. Call your mother to the phone.

You are wanted on the phone .


She is on the phone.


talk on the phone/ talk over the phone通电话

相关热词搜索:第一册 新概念英语 裕兴 新概念英语一册裕兴版 裕兴新概念英语第二册


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