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《金银岛》读书笔记篇一:Treasure Island金银岛读书笔记英文

Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, and travel writer. His most famous works are Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

A literary celebrity during his lifetime, Stevenson now ranks among the 26 most translated authors in the world. His works have been admired by many other writers who said of him that he "seemed to pick the right word up on the point of his pen, like a man playing spillikins." Treasure Island is his first widely popular book.

This is an exciting adventure story about a poor boy that lives in a small inn, the Admiral Benbow, run by his parents in Black Hill Cove. The boy’s name is Jim Hawkins. One day, unexpectedly, he finds a treasure map which indicates the treasure hidden by the pirates in Skeleton Island. Then Jim, Dr. Livesey, Captain Smollett and his friends, with a group of sailors, set out for the treasure. After a short time, some greed sailors who are led by Long John Silver rebel for the map. These two groups fight fiercely. Evil can never prevail against good. Jim and Captain Smollett win the battle. And later then they go back home with the boat filled with treasure.

At the end of the story, Silver runs away with one of the bags of coins, perhaps three or four hundred coins. Captain Smollett no longer goes to sea. Jim’s friend Gray saves his money and become a half captain of a ship. Ben Gunn who is marooned by pirates gets a thousand pounds. However, he spends all his money in three weeks. Then he has to beg. Luckily, he is given a job as a gatekeeper when he comes back.

After reading this book, I admire the little dramatis personae very much. And it makes me feeling more. Jim Hawkins is a timid and shy boy at first. At the beginning of the voyage, Jim is only a waiter in the cabin. But he is able to fight with enemies, and recapture the ship from the enemies at last. His courage and kind-heart are admirable. I have learned many things from him, like brave, resource, accommodating and so on. If we also have the spirit that Jim has, many difficult questions must have been already solved.

What I can only find from the pirates are cruelty and selfishness. But Silver is even more cruel hearted. He kills people without mercy and his hands are full of blood. His eyes are green. He reminds me of the selfish one who only focuses on himself and can be immorality and even crimes when trying to protect his own interest. Money sometimes can be the power when we are working. And sometimes can be the most evil thing in the world. As long as we make a balance between money and desire, money can be the most beautiful thing in the world. As a saying goes, “No pain, No gain”.If we try our best to do things like Jim, I think we will make more progress in many fields.

《金银岛》读书笔记篇二:金银岛 英文读后感 treasure islad

Book Report of Treasure Island

1. About the Author.

Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist, essayist, and poet, who contributed several classics to the world of children's literature. Stevenson was born in Edinburgh on November 13th 1850. His grandfather and father were civil engineering,made great achievements in the lighthouse construction. And they wished that Stevenson would take over their own enterprise. In 1867, Stevenson received his father’s decree to enter the Edinburgh University to study civil engineering. In fact, he loved literature when he was a child. So he asked his father to study literature, and was refused. But his father let him study law. Since childhood, however, Stevenson's natural inclination had been toward literature; eventually he took up letters seriously, soon making his way into the first rank of contemporaneous writers by the excellence of his style. In 1878 and 1879, he published two works of the theme of travel, since then the continued to publish works. In 1883, he published Treasure Island. The story was praised as The Best Work of Children’s Adventure Story as soon as the work was published. Since then Stevenson had became a famous writer. However, 1894, only 44-year-old Stevenson suddenly suffered from stroke,and died of illness in the Pacific south of the capital, Apia, Western Samoa and was buried in the local mountains overlooking the Pacific. Stevenson had a lot of famous works, such as Treasure Island, Kidnapped, A Child’s Garden of Verses and New Arabian Nights.

2. Background.

Treasure island is regard the Pacific islands as the background of the writing, the island is located in the distance Costarica coast 300 miles of sea, was pirates rest stop the 17th century, the pirates will predatory treasure in this outfit handling discharge, buried hidden for this unknown island. It’s sounds very mysterious .It is said that there are at least six place buried treasure, among them, the most attractive treasure-seekers is the treasure of Lima, Peru. The Treasure Island, which is also called the Youth Island, and now is a special administrative region of Cuba. It used to have the name of Treasure Island or also Pine Island. In the long 4 years of Spanish's ruling, this place is the paradise gathered by the world-famous pirates of the Caribbean , those who hide the wealth they robbed in the cave of the island, and it has the origin of the name.

3. Main Idea.

In the eighteenth century, British sailor boy Jim got the legendary map of Treasure Island from dying bill. In support of the local squire, they organized a team of expedition went to Treasure Island. The pirate leader Silver boarded the ship acted as a cook and his a group of men also acted as sailors on board. On the Treasure Island, Silver and his men occupied the ship by launching rebellion. The sailor boy saved the good men three times. Later Silver conflicted with the other pirates and decided to cooperate with doctor and Ben to deal with the other pirates. Finally, the good men gained the treasure. From the whole novel, we can see that the main ch


aracter Jim originally was a timid and shy boy, however , Jim has obviously became a little hero after going through this adventure. As a kid, he saved the good persons three times, which showing Jim’s amazing resourcefulness and courage.

Though Jim is a kid, his courage and loyalty is admirable. Even though in face of the ferocious pirates, he can admit that what he had done, and he adhered to stand his ground that would rather die than cahoots with the pirates. In addition, it is also admirable that Jim kept his words. When Jim and the doctor had a conversation, Jim could run away. But Jim did not do it, because he had sworn to the pirate Silver. He gave up the chance to escape. I guess even the adult can not do this in order to keep his words. It can be said that Jim is a real man.

4. What can we learn from this novel.

In addition, to the surprising and exciting plot of the novel is that the central idea is worth thinking. The real intention of the novel tells us the love of humanity and justice often over evil. The main character Jim is the representation of justice, and finally he won, while the pirate Silver who is the representation of evil, finally was spurned by people. Besides, I can feel the money has a great temptation to human. In the novel money actually had changed the feelings between people, corroded the world and everything. Of course, money itself is innocent, but the material and greedy heart that drives people pursue the money by all bad means.

As an old saying goes: Gentleman’s love of money in a proper way. We should hold a right attitude toward money. At the same time, we need to know that bland pursuit of money finally become vain and greed and the desire will never bring us a better life.


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