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李阳疯狂英语 脱口而出


My Pledge/Oath我的誓言;

What?s your story? You can?t speak! You can?t understand! You feel bad!;

You feel hopeless! That?s crazy! Cheer up!;

It?s not the end of the world. Speaking English is a piece of cake.; Don?t look back. Enjoy losing face. Just forget about your face.;

The more mistakes you make,the more progress you make. Don?t give up.;

Just try your best. Relax! Don?t panic! Take it easy!;

Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning English should be fun.;

Speaking good English is no big deal. It?s worth your time and effort.; It?s an easy job. Do something about it. You have no choice. No more I heard that you?re getting married. Congratulations!;(听说你要结婚了, 恭喜恭喜!) 16.I see;我知道

I see what you mean.;(我了解你的意思。) 17.I can?t...;我不能……

I can?t do this.;(我不能这么做。) 18.Let me;让我

Let me explain why I was late.;(让我解释迟到的理由。) 19.Let?s...!;让咱们……吧!

Let?s have a beer or something.;(咱们喝点啤酒什么的。) 20.Where is...?;

Where is your office?;(你们的办公室在哪里?) 21.What is...?;……是什么?

What is you plan?;(你的计划是什么?) excuses!;

Get moving.Let?s get started! Let?s talk in English!You?d better do it now.;

I have every confidence in you. I want to be proud of you.;

It?s my pleasure to help you anytime. You can count on me! Don?t worry about it.;

I?m Serious. I?ll try my best to help you. We will make it together.; 李阳疯狂英语 脱口而出MP3;

第二部 疯狂准备篇;

第一节 咬牙切齿的开始 疯狂背诵一百个句型;

Do you like Chinese food/studying Chinese /him/movies/our city/ sports/;

watching sports /traveling/cars/ driving/chasing 『追逐;追求』girls?; 1.I am;我是

I am an o(转 载 于:wWw.HnnsCY.cOM 博文学习网:疯狂英语)ffice worker.;(我是上班族。) 2.I work for;我在……工作

I work for the government.;我在政府机关做事。 3.I?m happy to;我很高兴;我很荣幸

I?m happy to meet you.;(我很高兴见到你。) 4.I like;我喜欢

I like your sense of humor.;(我喜欢你的幽默感。) 5.I?m glad to;我很高兴

I?m glad to see you again.;(我很高兴再次见到你。) 6.I?ll;我会;我将

I?ll call you.;(我会打电话给你。) 7.I feel like;我想

I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk.;(我想睡/散步。) 8.I want;我想要

I want something to eat.;(我想吃点东西。) 9.I need;我需要

I need your help.;(我需要你的帮助。) 10.I would like to;我想;我愿意

I would like to talk to you for a minute.;(我想和你谈一下。) This sentence is so common!;

Hwever ,it usually means you are in for a long discussion about something important.;

American use this sentence before telling their children about sex,; or warning them about the dangers of drugs!; Very serious talk follows a very light invitation.; 11.I have;我有

I have a lot of problems.;(我有很多问题。) 12.I hope;我希望

I hope our dreams come true.;我希望我们的梦想成真. 13.I?m looking forward to;我期待;我期望

I?m looking forward to seeing you.;(我期望见到你。) 14.I?m supposed to;我应该

I?m supposed to go on a diet/get a raise.;(我应该节食/涨工资。) 15.I heard;我听说

22.When is...?;什么时候……?

When is the store closing?;(这家店什么时候结束 营业?) 23.Would you care to...?;要不要

Would you care to see it/sit down for a while?;你要不要看/ 坐一会儿呢?


Are you sure you can come by at nine?; (你肯定你九点能来吗?) 25.Am I allowed to...?;我可以……吗?

Am I allowed to stay out past 10?;(我可以十点过后 再回家吗?) 排定时间或日期

The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet.;会议原定了两个小时, 不过到现在还没有结束。 27.birthday is...;生日是在……

Tom?s birthday is this week.;(汤姆的生日就在 这个星期。) 28.Can you...?;能请你……吗?

Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/tell me how to get there?;(星期五能不能请你 替我个班/你能帮我吗 /你能告诉我到那里怎 么走吗?)

29.Could you...;能否请你……

Could you do me a big favor?;(能否请你帮我个忙?) 30.crazy about...;对……很着迷

He is crazy about Crazy English.;(他对疯狂英语很着迷。) 31.Can you imagine...?;你能想像……吗?

Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?;(你能想像他那部车付 了多少钱吗?)

32.Can you believe...?;你相信……?

Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?;(你相信我用25美元 买了一台电视吗?)

33.Did you know...?;你知道……吗?

Did you know he was having an affair/ cheating on his wife?;(你知道他有外遇了吗 /欺骗他的妻子吗?)

34.Did you hear about...?;你听说……了吗? 你知道……吗? Did you hear about the new project?;(你知道那个新项目吗?) 35.Do you realize...?;你知道……吗?

Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?;(你知道这些衬衫都卖 半价吗?)

36.Do you mind if I...?;你介意……吗?

Do you mind if I take tomorrow off?;(你介意我明天请假吗?) 37.enjoy...;很喜欢……

I enjoy working with you very much.;(我很喜欢和你一 起工作。) 38.ended up...;最终是……

Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary?;你知道吗?石头最终和 他的秘书结婚了。) 39.get together...;聚在一起……

Let?s get together for lunch.;(让我们聚在一起吃顿 午餐吧。) 40.getting...for...;获得……以作为……

I?m getting a new computer for birthday present.;(我得到一台新电脑, 作为我的生日礼物。)

41.How did you do on...?;你……的表现如何?

How did you do on your test?;(你这次考试的结果 如何?) 42.Do you think...?;你认为……?

Do you think you can come?;(你认为你能来吗?) 43.How was...?;……还好吧?

How was your weekend?;(你周末过得怎么样?) 44.Here...;在这里,这是……

Here is my card.;(这是我的名片。) 45.be used to...;他习惯于……

He is used to eating out all the time.;(他已经习惯了在 外面吃饭。) 46.Have you ever...?;你有没有……?

Have you ever driven a BMW?;(你有没有开过”宝马”?) 47.How about...?;……怎么样?

How about if we go tomorrow instead?;(我们改成明天去 怎么样?) 48.How do you like...?;你喜欢……吗?

How do you like Hong Kong?;(你喜欢香港吗?) 49.How do you want...?;你要怎么样的……?

How do you want your steak?;(你的牛排要几分熟?) 50.How did...do...?;如何做到……?

How did Mary make all of her money?;(玛丽所有的钱是 怎么赚到的?)

51.How did...?;……进行得怎么样?

How did the game turn our?;(球赛结果怎么样?) 52.How was...?;……怎么样?

How was your date?;(你的约会怎么样?)

53.How are you doing with...?;……做得如何?

How are you doing with your new boss?;(你跟你的新上司 处得如何?)

54.How should I...?;我该如何……?

How should I tell him the bad news?;(我该如何告诉他 这个坏消息?)

55.How much...?;多少……?

How much money did you make?;(你赚了多少钱?) 56.How much does it cost to...?;……要多少钱?

How much does it cost to go abroad?;(出国要多少钱?) 57.How long will it take to...?;去……要多久?

How long wil it take to get to your house?;(到你家要多久?) 58.How long have you...?;你……多久了?

How long have you been here?;(你在这里多久了?) 59.How!;多么!真!

How nice/pretty/cold/ funny/stupid/boring/ interesting;(真好!……) 60.How about...?;……如何?……怎么样?

How about going out for dinner?;(出去吃晚餐如何?) 61.I?m sorry...;(我对……很遗憾难过)。

I?m sorry that you didn?t get the job.;(很遗憾,你没有得到 那份工作。)

62.I?m afraid...;我恐怕……

I?m afraid that it?s not going to work out.;(我恐怕这事不会成的。) 63.I guess...;我想……

I guess I could come over.;(我想我能来。) 64.Is it okay to...?; ……可以吗?

Is it okay to smoke in the office?;(在办公室里抽烟 可以吗?) 65.It was kind of...; 有一点……

It was kind of exciting.;(有一点刺激。) 66.I know what...;我知道……是什么。

I know what you want.;(我知道你想要什么。 67.Is that why...?;就是这个缘故才 导致……吗?

Is that why you don?t want to go home?;(就是这个缘故,你才 不想回家的吗?)

68.I?m sure...;我很肯定……

I?m sure we can get you a great/good deal.;(我很肯定我们可以帮 你做成一笔好交易。)


Would you help me with the report?;(你愿意帮我写报告吗?) 70.I didn?t know...;我不知道

I didn?t know he was the richest person in the world.;(我不知道他是全世界 最有钱的人。) 71.I?ll have to...;我必须……

I?ll have to ask my boss/wife first.;(我必须先问一下 我的老板/老婆。)

72.I take it...;这么说来, 我认定你是……

I take it you don?t agree.;(这么说来,我认为你 是不同意。) 73.I tried...;我试过……

I tried losing weight, but nothing worked.;(我曾试着减肥, 但是毫无效果。)

74.It makes no sense to...;做……丝毫不可理解

It doesn?t make any sense to get up so early.;(那么早起来, 没有任何意义。)

75.It feels like...;它感觉上像是……

It feels like spring/ I?ve been here before.;(感觉好像春天到了/ 感觉好像我以前来过 这里。)

76.It took+ (表示时间的词)+to...;做(某事)花了(时间)

It took years of hard work to speak good English.;(讲一口流利的英语 需要多年的刻苦操练。)

77.I wonder if...;我在想是否……

I wonder if they can make it.;(我在想他们是不是 能办得到。) 78.It?s not as...as...;它不像……一样……

It?s not as cold/hot as it was yesterday.;(今天的天气不像昨天 的那么冷/热。)

It?s not as easy as you think.;(它不像你想象的 那么容易。) 79.It?s not..., it?s...;不是……的问题, 而是……

It?s not his work that bothers me; it?s his attitude.;(因扰我的不是他的 工作,而是他的态度。) 80.It sounds...;听起来……

It sounds like you enjoyed it.;(听起来你好像蛮喜 欢的。) 81.It seems...;好像……

It seems to me that he would like to go back home.;(我觉得他好像想要 回家。)

82.It looks...;看起来……

It looks very nice.;(看起来很漂亮。) 83.Is everything...?; 一切都……吗?

Is everything under control?;(一切都在掌握之中吗?) 84.I thought...;我以为……

I thought you could do a better job.;(我以为你的表现会 更好。) 85.It?s time to...;是……的时候了。

It?s time for us to say”No”to America.;(是我们对美国说 “不”的时候了。)

86.It?s supposed to...;那应当是……

The show is supposed to be good.;(这场表演应当是 相当好的。) 87.It really depends on...;那全看……情况而定。

It really depends on who is in charge.;(那纯粹要看谁负责了。) 88.It involves a lot of...;那要牵涉到很多……

It involves a lot of hard work.;(那需要很多的 辛勤工作。) 89.in...favor;对……有利

That might be in your favor.;(那可能对你有利。) 90.I didn?t realize...;我不知道……

I didn?t realize how much this meant to you.;(我不知道这个对你 意义有多大。)

91.I didn’t mean to...;我不是故意……

I didn’t mean to offend you.;(我不是故意冒犯你。) 92.I was wondering if...;我想知道……

I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.;(我想知道这个周末 你有什么要做。) 93.May I...?;我可以……吗?

May I have you attention, please?;(请大家注意一下。) 94.This is great... weather.;这是个……的好天气。

This is great golfing /swimming/picnic weather.;(这是个打高尔夫球/ 游泳/野餐的好天气。)

95.Thanks for... Thanks for taking me to the movie.;谢谢你…… (谢谢你带我去看电影。)


I am too tired to speak.;(我累得说不出话来。) 97.There is...;有……

There is a TV show about AIDS on right now.;(电视正播映一个有 27 How are you doing?;(你好吗?)

28 How long are you staying?;(你要呆多久?) 29 I am crazy about her.;(我对她着迷了。) 30 I am wasting my time.;(我在浪费时间。) 31 I can do it.;(我能做的。)

32 I can?t belive it.;(我简直不能相信。)

A: Stone was thrown into jail last night!;(石头昨晚进了监狱。)

B: I can?t believe it! He?s such a great guy. This news will kill his mother!;(我简直不敢相信!他是个 多么了不起的人!这消 息会让他妈发疯的。)


98.Would you...?;你能……

Whould you tell me your phone number?;(你能告诉我你的电话 号码吗?)

99.Where did you...?;你从哪里……呢?

Where did you learn to speak English?;(你从哪里学会说 英语的呢?) 100.What do you think of...?;你认为……如何?

What do you think of his new job/this magazine?;(你对他的新工作/ 这本杂志看法如何?)

101. What makes you…?;什么事让你……呢?

What makes you change your mind?;(什么事让你改变了 主意?你不是说这一次学 英语一定要坚持到 底吗?!

第二部·第二节 一百个超级短句;

If you learn the following sentence and thing else you will be able to; communicate with no problem!Besides,;

you can try to teach these sentence to foreighers to help them communicate;

while they are in China.You will make friends and money.; You?ll gain valuable experience and a lot of confidence.; 1 Absolutely not.;(绝对不是。)

2 Are you coming with me?;(你跟我一起去吗?) 3 Are you sure?;(你能肯定吗?) 4 As soon as possible.;(尽快。)

A: When does this work need to be finished?;(这工作需要什么 时候完成?)

B: As soon as possible.;(尽快。) 5 Believe me.;(相信我。) 6 Buy it!;(买下来!)

7 Call me tomorrow.;(明天打电话给我。)

8 Can you speak slowly?;(请您说得慢些好吗。) 9 Come with me.;(跟我来?)

10 Congratulations!;(恭喜恭喜。) 11 Do it right?;(把它做对。)

12 Do you mean it?;(你是当真的吗?)

13 Do you see him often?;(你经常见到他吗?)

14 Do you see it? Do you understand?;(你明白了吗?) 15 Do you want it?;(你要吗?)

16 Do you want something?;(你想要些什么?) 17 Don?t do it.;(不要做。)

18 Don?t exaggerate.;(不要夸张。) 19 Don?t tell me that.;(不要告诉我。)

A: We have to attend a boring meeting tomorrow.;(明天我们要参加一个 枯燥的会议。)

B: Don?t tell me that. I wanted to relax and go shopping.;(不要告诉我,我想轻松 一下,上街去购物。) 20 Give me a hand.;(帮我一下。) 21 Go right ahead.;(一直往前走。) 22 Have a good trip.;(祝旅途愉快。)

23 Have a nice day.;(祝你一天过得愉快。) 24 Have you finished?;(你做完了吗?) 25 He doesn?t have time.;(他没空。)

26 He is on his way.;(他现在已经在路上了。)

33 I can?t wait.;(我不能再等了。) 34 I don?t have time.;(我没有时间。)

35 I don?t know anybody.;(我一个人都不认识。) 36 I don?t like it.;(我不喜欢。) 37 I don?t think so.;(我认为不是。) 38 I feel much better.;(我感觉好多了。) 39 I found it.;(我找到了。) 40 I hope so.;(我希望如此。) 41 I knew it.;(我早知道了。) 42 I noticed that.;(我注意到了。) 43 I see.;(我明白了。)

44 I speak English well.;(我英语说得很好。) 45 I think so.;(我认为是这样的。)

46 I want to speak with him.;(我想跟他说话。) 47 I won.;(我赢了。)

48 I would like a cup of coffee, please.;(请给我一杯咖啡。) 49 I?m hungry.;(我饿死了。) 50 I?m leaving.;(我要走了。) 51 I?m sorry.;(对不起。)

52 I?m used to it.;(我已经习惯了。) 53 I?ll miss you.;(我会想念你的。)

A: I?m leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow.;(我明天去香港。) B: I?ll miss you.;(我会想你的。) 54 I?ll try.;(我试试看。) 55 I?m bored.;(我很无聊。) 56 I?m busy.;(我很忙。)

57 I?m having fun.;(我玩得很开心。) 58 I?m ready.;(我准备好了。) 59 I?ve got it.;(我明白了。) 60 I?ve had it.;(我受够了。)

61 It?s incredible!;(真是难以置信!) 62 Is it far?;(很远吗?)

63 It doesn?t matter.;(没关系。) 64 It smells good.;(闻起来很香。) 65 It?s about time.;(是时候了。) 66 It?s all right.;(没关系。) 67 It?s easy.;(很容易。) 68 It?s good.;(很好。)

69 It?s near here.;(离这里很近。) 70 It?s nothing.;(没什么。) 71 It?s time to go.;(该走了。) 72 It?s different.;(那是不同的。) 73 It?s funny.;(很滑稽。)

74 It?s impossible.;(那是不可能的。) 75 It?s not bad.;(还行。)

A: What do you think about the used car I just bought?;(你觉得我刚买的那部旧 车如何?) B: It?s not bad.;(还行。) 76 It?s not difficult.;(不难。) 77 It?s not worth it.;(不值得。) 78 It?s obvious.;(很明显的。)

79 It?s the same thing.;(还是一样的。)

80 It?s your turn.;(轮到你了。) 81 Let me know.;(告诉我。) 82 Let me see.;(让我想一想。) 83 Me too.;(我也一样。) 84 Not yet!;(还没有!) 85 Relax!;(放松!)

86 See you tomorrow.;(明天见。)

87 She is my best friend.;(她是我最好的朋友。) 88 She is so smart.;她真聪明。) 89 Show me.;(指给我看。) 90 Tell me.;(告诉我。)

91 Thank you very much.;(多谢。)

92 That happens.;(这样的事情经常发生。)

A: I can?t believe that I called my girlfriend/wife/father the wrong That hacker ran into the back of my van and killed my cat.;出租车撞到了我面包车 的后背,撞死了我的猫。

Too bad it wasn?t my wife because I loved my cat.;太遗憾了,死的不是 我太太,因为我爱我 的猫。

8 Don?t laugh behind other people?s back.;(不要在背后取笑别人。) 9 Come back after you finish your math exam.;(完成数学测验之后 回来。)

10 My grandfather was a bad man, and he treated my grandmother very badly.;(我的祖父是个坏人, 他对祖母非常不好。)

11 I?m so glad that nothing bad has happened.;(我很高兴没发生什么 糟糕的事情。)

12 As a matter of fact, I think he is an asshole『讨厌的人; 肛门;屁眼儿』.;(事实上,我认为他是 个混蛋。)

13 Look at that fat ass on that fat man.;(看看那个胖子的屁股多 大。) name.;(我不敢相信我竟然叫错 了女朋友/妻子/ 父亲的名字。) B: That happens.;(这种事情经常发生。) 93 That?s enough.;(够了。)

94 That?s interesting.;(很有趣。) 95 That?s right.;(对了。) 96 That?s true.;(这是真的。)

97 There are too many people here.;(这里人太多。) 98 They like each other.;(他们互相倾慕。) 99 Think about it.;(考虑一下。) 100 Too bad!;(太糟糕啦!) 101 Wait for me.;(等等我)

102 What did he say?;(他说什么?) 103 What do you think?;(你认为怎样?)

104 What is he talking about?;(他在说些什么?) 105 What terrible weather!;(多坏的天气!)

106 What?s going on/ What?s happening/ What?s the problem?;(怎么样啦?)

107 What?s the date today?;(今天几号?) 108 Where are you going?;(你去哪里?) 109 Where is he?;(他在哪里?)

110 You are impatient.;(你太性急了。)

A: I don?t think my daughter will ever learn to speak English!;(我觉得我女儿不可能学 会说英语了!)

B: I think you?re too impatient. She?s only three years old!;你太性急了。她才三岁!

111 You look tired.;(你看上去很累。) 112 You surprise me.;(你让我大吃一惊。) 113 You?re crazy.;(你疯了。) 114 You?re welcome.;(别客气)

115 You?re always right.;(你总是对的。) 116 You?re in a bad mood.;(你心情不好。) 117 You?re lying.;(你在撒谎。) 118 You?re wrong.;(你错了。)

第三节 最疯狂、最典型 的美国发音;

Greatest Sentences Ever to Practice[A] Sound;

1 If you exaggerate, you will sound fantastically American!;(如果将发音夸大一些, 你听起来会美国味十足!)

2 A: My exam was a disaster.;我的考试简直是一 塌糊涂。

B: You didn?t pass? That?s too bad. You?ll have another chance.;(你没有通过吗?太遗 憾了。你会有另外 一个机会的。)

A: No. That was my last chance.;(不,那是我最后一 次机会。) 3 That?s a fact.;(那是事实。)

4 Saturday I am planning to go dancing.;(星期六我计划去跳舞。) 5 I am happy/glad to have you back from Japan.;(我很高兴你从日本回 来。)

6 That man/actor had a bad accent and bad grammar.;(那个男人/演员口音很 糟糕,且语法错误 很多。)

7 There was a bad traffic accident.;发生了一起糟糕的交通 事故

14 You?re not such a had apple/bad egg after all.;(你毕竟还不是太坏。)

15 There?s always a bad apple in every class.;(每个班都有几粒老鼠 屎。)

16 Good employees get a pat on the back, while good secretaries get a pat on the ass.;(员工表现得好老板会 拍拍他的背,而秘书做 得好老板则会拍拍 她的屁股。)

17 She deserves a pat on the back.;(她应该得到表扬。)

18 Pats on the back weren?t enough, he wanted fast cash.;(只有表扬是不够的, 他要的是看得见、摸 得着的现金。)

19 These back-to-back appointments are giving me a heart attack/killing me/;

affecting my health.;(这一连串的约会使得 我疲于奔命。)

20 Back-to-back defeats made him sad.;(连续的失败使他很 伤心。) 21 Stop picking on me and get off my back. Man! I?ve had it.;(别再对我进行挑剔, 别再找我麻烦了。 我受够了!)

22 Get off my back, will ya? I?ll do it when I have time.;(别罗嗦了,好不好? 我有时间就去做。)

23 Get your crap off my bed!;(把你那些乱七八糟的东 西从我床上搬走。)

24 Laughter has no foreign accent.;(笑声没有外国口音。) 25 Such men are the backbone『骨干;支柱; 基础』of the country.;(这样的人是国家的栋 梁。)

26 Selfishness and unhappiness often go hand in hand.;自私的人通常无幸福可 言。

27 He who laughs last laughs best.;谁笑到最后,谁就笑 得最好。 28 The voters had a backlash against rising gas taxes.;投标人强烈反对增加汽 油税。

29 A bad black man tried to crash the rally, but my dad called the cops.;(一个黑人坏蛋企图要混 进我们的聚会,我父亲 打电话叫来了警察。)

30 The manager was hired at a handsome salary.;(这个经理被高薪聘用。)

31 We must take action before it is too late.;(我们必须及早采取行 动。)

32 Actions are more important than words.;(行动胜似语言。)

33 That man is always handing out『给予』 unwanted advice.;(那个人总是给别人没 有用的建议。)

34 We handed in our exams at the last minute of the class.;(在下课的最后时刻, 我们交了考试卷。)

35 The two brothers (两兄弟携手合作。) 36 The family went to the graduation at Stanford.;(全家人去斯坦福大学参 加了毕业典礼。)

37 I ran as fast as I could.;(我跑得不能再快了。) 38 We had to act fast.;(我们不得不尽快行动。) 39 It happened in the past.;(它发生在过去。)

40 Don?t miss your last chance.;(不要错过最后的机会。)

41 It is absolutely impossible to cure AIDS.;(要治愈艾滋病是绝对不


42 We will have a fat chance to win the game on Saturday.;(我们几乎没有可能赢得 星期六的比赛。)

43 Casual dress is becoming more and more fashionable.;休闲服装变得越来越流 行了。

44 The match won?t catch.;(这火柴擦不着。)

45 The dog went after a rabbit but didn?t catch it.;狗追兔子,但没有逮住 兔子。

46 The mad dog ran past Dan.;(那疯狗从丹身边跑过。)

47 Alice dashed to the back of the shack 『简陋木屋』to stash『 藏匿;存放』the bag.;(艾丽斯跑到小木屋后面 把包藏起来。)

48 Stan took a rabbit from his magic hat.;(斯坦从他的魔术帽里把 更快更好。)

10 We need capable and experienced hands, Ideas just don?t accomplish themselves.;我们需要有能力和经验的 老手,只有想法并不 能成事。

11 Frankly speaking, I don?t see what you can possibly accomplish here.;(坦率地说,我看不出 你在这儿能干出什 么来。)

12 All this work was accomplished in a week.;(所有这些工作都是在 一个星期内完成的。)

第五节 语法大战—两篇 文章让你吃透两条语法 第1篇:巨大的进步;

A Big Improvement;

1 Paul recently completed/finished a Crazy English class,;保罗最近结兔子拿出来。)

49 A: Damn it.;(混蛋)

B: Watch your mouth!;(嘴巴放干净一点。)

A: I learned that bad habit from you. You should have watched your mouth first.;(这个坏习惯是你传给 我的。你要先注意 自己。) nasty; dirty; bad; unpleasant; disgusting; unkind; offensive;; bad to deal with or experience.; 1 a nasty mind.;(卑鄙肮脏的思想) 2 nasty language.;(污秽不堪的语言)

3 live a cheap and nasty life.;(过低贱的生活)

5 It?s a tacky, nasty little movie.;(这是一部庸俗下流不值 一看的电影。)

6 a nasty smell;(难闻的气味) 7 a nasty taste;(难吃的味道)

8 cold, wet, nasty weather(寒冷多雨的 恶劣天气); 9 a nasty habit;(恶心)

10 a nasty temper;(臭脾气)

11 a nasty attack of cough;(一阵剧烈的咳嗽) 12 a nasty accident;(严重的事故) 13 a nasty look in his eyes;(眼露凶光) 14 a nasty room;(脏乱的房间) 15 a nasty book;(下流书)

16 say nasty things about sb.;(恶语中伤某人)

第四节 四星级·五星 级·六星级单词全面奉献 超级六星级动词:;

Accomplish Accomplish: to succeed in doing; finish successfully; comlete.;做成功;完成;实现; 达成。

All the following sentences may seem very difficult.;

That?s because “accomplish”is a six-star word and six-star words are; only found in challenging sentences!;

With a little hard work and determination you can[accomplish]; your goal of mastering them all.;

1 They accomplished their mission.;(他们完成了使命。) 2 A lazy man can never[accomplish] anything.;(懒惰的人永远一 事无成。)

3 We tried to arrange a peace agreement, but [accomplished] nothing.;(我们试图达成和平协议, 但毫无成效。)

4 She?s accomplished a lot/great deal in the last few weeks.;(她在前几个星期里做 成了很多事情。)

5 The task of modernization will not be accomplished in one generation.;(现代化的任务不是一 代人所能完成的。)

6 How did they [accomplish]so much so quickly?;(他们何以能如此迅速地 取得这么巨大的成就?)

7 I don?t think our President?s visit to Japan really accomplished anything.;(我认为我们总统访日 并未取得什么真正 成效。)

8 Crazy English is the best method to accomplish your goal of conquering English.;(疯狂英语是实现征服英 语这一目标的最好 方法。)

9 We can absolutely [accomplish]whatever you can with better and quicker results.;(你们能做到的事情, 我们也能做到,而且 会做得

束了疯狂英 语的课程,

and he?s very proud of the results.;他为自己的成绩感到骄 傲。

His family has noticed that he?s speaking English more loudly, more clearly,;他的家人发现他在说英 语时,比以往更大声, 更清楚, more fluently and more confidently than ever before.;更流利,而且更加自信。

His boss has noticed that he?s more effective and successful in his work;他的老板发觉他在工作 中更有效率和更成功了。

All his friends tell him that he?s friendlier,;他所有的朋友都告诉他 less shy and more outgoing than before.;他变的比以前更友好, 更直爽,胆子也大了。

And Paul himself has noticed that;保罗自己也发现

he?s more comfortable and relaxed when he speaks in front of people;他在众人面前说英语时, 愈加轻松自如

and he?s even enjoying himself more at parties.;甚至在派对上也玩得更开 心。

Paul is feeling much better about himself these days.;保罗这些天自我感觉 很多。

That?s why he?s now recommending;Crazy English to everybody he knows.;这就是他现在向所有认 识的人推荐“疯狂英语” 的原因。 2 Feeling good about yourself is the key to a happier and more productive life.;自我感觉良好是拥有快 乐和更有成绩感的生 活的关键。

Being a good English speaker;作为一个口语流利者

will definitely make you feel good about yourself.;你一定会有一种全新的 感觉。

Paul recently completed/finished a Crazy English class,;保罗最近结束了疯狂英 语的课程,

and he?s very proud of the results.;他为自己的成绩感到 骄傲。

His family has noticed that he?s speaking English more loudly, more clearly,;他的家人发现他在说英 语时,比以往更大声, 更清楚, more fluently and more confidently than ever before.;更流利,而且更加自信。

His boss has noticed that he?s more effective and successful in his work;他的老板发觉他在工作 中更有效率和更成功了。

All his friends tell him that he?s friendlier,;他所有的朋友都告诉他 less shy and more outgoing than before.;他变的比以前更友好, 更直爽,胆子也大了。

And Paul himself has noticed that;保罗自己也发现

he?s more comfortable and relaxed when he speaks in front of people;他在众人面前说英语时, 愈加轻松自如

and he?s even enjoying himself more at parties.;甚至在派对上也玩得更 开心。

Paul is feeling much better about himself these days.;保罗这些天自我感觉 很多。

That?s why he?s now recommending;Crazy English to everybody he knows.;这就是他现在向所有认 识的人推荐“疯狂英语” 的原因。 2 Feeling good about yourself is the key to a happier and more productive life.;自我感觉良好是拥有快 乐和更有成绩感的生活的 关键。








26个字母、26个单词、26个句子,疯狂模仿,发音必会产生飞跃! A的读音为IPA: [??] I’m afraid you’ve made a mistake.

K.K: [?] 恐怕您搞错了。

B的读音为IPA: [???] I won’t be able to finish my work.

K.K:[??] 我不能完成工作了。

C的读音为 IPA:[???] I don’t see what you mean.

K.K[??] 我不懂你的意思。

D的读音为IPA[???] I’ve heard a great deal about you.

K.K[??] 久仰大名。

E 的读音为IPA[??] He is easy to deal with. K.K[?] 他很容易打交道。

F的读音为 IPA[??] Will you sit on my left? K.K[??] 你坐在我左边好么?

G的读音为 IPA[????] Lots of students wear jeans nowadays. K.K[???] 现在很多学生穿牛仔裤。 H的读音为 IPA[????] Let me have a look at the book.

K.K[???] 让我看看这本书。 I的读音为 IPA[??] I could,and I should, but I won’t do it. K.K[??] 这个我能做,我也应该做,但我不愿意做。 J的读音为 IPA[????] He was jailed for tow years. K.K[???] 他被囚禁了两年。

K的读音为 IPA[???] In any case, it’s none of your business. K.K[??] 无论如何,那事于你无关。 L的读音为 IPA[??] I have something else to tell you. K.K[??] 我还有些话要告诉你。

M的读音为 IPA[??] The baby is real gem; he never cries. K.K[??] 这个婴儿真讨人喜欢,他从来不哭。 N的读音为 IPA[??] Ten to one he has forgotten it.

K.K[??] 他很可能已经忘记了。 O的读音为 IPA[??] I hope I can see you again. K.K[?] 我希望我能再见到你。 P的读音为 IPA[???] He recovered his peace of mind. K.K[??] 他恢复了平静的心情。

Q的读音为 IPA[????] We had to queue for hours to get in. K.K[???] 我们必须排几个小时的长队才能进去。 R的读音为 IPA[??] Are you ready for the start? K.K[??] 你准备好出发了吗? S的读音为 IPA[??] Many people wish for success in life. K.K[??] 许多人都希望一生有所成就。 T的读音为 IPA[???] Would you like tea or coffee? K.K[??] 你要喝茶还是咖啡。 U的读音为 IPA[???] What do you plan to do this weekend? K.K[??] 这个周末你计划做什么? V的读音为 IPA[???] Language is the vehicle of human thought. K.K[??] 语言是人类表达思想的工具。

W的读音为IPA[ ????????]You are always welcome at my house. K.K[ ???????] 随时欢迎你到我家来。 X的读音为 IPA[???] His English is excellent. K.K[???] 他的英文是优秀的。

Y的读音为 IPA[???] Why are you in such a good mood? K.K[???] 你为什么心情这么好? Z的读音为 IPA[???] Zip up your fly. K.K[??] 拉上你的拉链。





“三最”法就是最大声;最清晰;最快速地反复操练句子或短文以达成地道美语“脱口而出”。这是李阳疯狂英语最神奇(magical)的方法,效果卓著。 这种练习只要稍微坚持,便可出现明显效果。经过这种培训的学生根本不知道害怕讲英语,就算是在初次和外国人交流是比较紧张,但由于平常接受的是“超级激烈的”极端训练,一紧张,害怕便产生了神奇的效果: “最大声”变成了正常的音量(normal volume); “最快速”变成了优雅的语速(elegant speed); “最清晰”变成了“模模糊糊”(ambiguous;vague)的地道英语(genuine English)最高境界


There are four people named everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody. There was an important job to be done and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but nobody did it. Some body got angry about that because it was everybody’s job. Everybody thought anybody could do it, but nobody realized that everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done. 有四个人分别叫做:“每个人”、“某个人”、“任何人”和“没有人”。有一次,他们每个人都要


Everybody’s business is nobody’s business






Days get longer and warmer in the spring. There are new leaves on the trees. Flowers begin to grow.

Rain makes the grass green and helps the plants grow.

Spring is the time of new life. Nature puts on new clothes in many colors —red, yellow, blue, white, and purple. Birds build nests in the spring. Many baby animals appear.

People like to make gardens and farmers plant crops in the fields.

Spring is the season for young love. “In the spring a young man’s thoughts turn to love.” according to an old saying.

第三章 一口气突破发音

秘诀4 一口气训练法

当美国人讲话的时候底气很足,令人羡慕!为什么呢?因为他们讲话时用的是腹腔、胸腔、喉腔、口腔、鼻腔“合五为一”所以底气十足。我们中国人讲话使用的是嘴巴,没有底气,说话时发音不饱满,力量不足。所以我们中国人要想说一口地到流利的英文,必须在“五大发音秘诀”和“三最口腔肌肉训练法”之后,再用“一口气训练法”疯狂操练。 做法很简单:你只要深呼吸,然后再一口气里尽量多读。经过一段时间的训练以后,原来需要换几次气才能读完的一句话或小短文,一口气里就能轻松读完! 经典范例:

A: Hi Stone! How have you been?

B: Great! What about you?

A: Sorry, I‘m so late getting back to the office. How‘s everything. B: Oh, I‘ve been super.

A: Hey, could I borrow your car for the weekend?

B: Go to hell! The last time you borrowed my car you wrecked it.



中国人习惯用嘴巴说话,显得比较“单薄”,有气无力;美国人习惯用腹部的力量说话,浑厚有力。这就是中国人说英语和英美人说英语的最大区别。 疯狂做法:平时练习英语时,尽量运动腹部的肌肉,刚开始有点别扭,坚持一下,便会产生效果。 中国人开口说英语就能听出是中国口音。请听下面的录音。

How are you doing?

A: How are you doing, Lee?

B: I beg your pardon?

A: How ?s everything? How are you getting along? B: I‘m getting along fine, thank you.

A: Have you changed any of your ideas about this country? Do you still think English is the worst language in the world?

B: I‘m beginning to see that human nature is pretty much the same everywhere. A: And what about the language? B: That idea hasn‘t changed.

第四章 元、辅音发音操练

I‘m not myself today.




I don‘t care what you do.We hope to see you again. The days are getting longer. 我今天没心情。

你做什么,我都不管。 我希望再次见到你。 白天越来越长。

I don‘t know how to thank you enough. 我不知道该如何感谢你。 When are you going to quit smoking? 你打算什么时候发誓戒烟?





I think you ought to do it by yourself. I don‘t know what you are talking about. I feel very tired today. I hope you will forgive me. I love having you in my life. I‘m very sorry to hear that.

我想你应该自己去做。 我听不懂你在说什么。 我今天觉得很累。 我希望你会原谅我。 我渴望我的生命中有你。 听到这个消息我很难过。




A: What is she doing these days?

B: She is learning business English now. A: I have a job interview tomorrow. B: Good luck.

A: Do you speak any English. B: I speak a little English.

A: I feel much better than I did last week. B: I‘m really glad to hear that.

A: would you like coffee or milk or tea? B: Tea, please.



秘诀9 长元音拉长



Nickname 外号: Matching Sound 中文近似音: Gesture 动作: Special Trick 特别技巧: Extra Note 额外阐述:

国际音标[??] = 美国音标[?] 穿针引线长“衣”音! 衣服的“衣”。

在空中做一个“穿针引线”的动作。 做疯狂勉强微笑状。


It‘s my treat this time.

A: please have a seat. B: Thank you.


请坐。 谢谢。

<疯狂评论> 中国人学了这么多年英语,其实连“请坐”都不会说。在美国没有人会说“Sit down, please!”这句话听起来命令口气太浓!

This sentence sounds like a military order. It’s too bossy and commanding. It also sounds like you have no control over the crowd in a public speaking situation. The suggestion “please have a seat.” Sounds much better.

A: We believe-in you.

B: I appreciate your support. A: Sweet dreams.

B: You too.

<疯狂评论> 这是疯狂英语学习者独特的再见方式。一般人只会说“Bye-bye”。

A: Why is he so happy today?

B: He dreamed a sweet dream last night.



Nickname 外号:小圆唇长“乌”音。类似火车长鸣音“呜”。

A: I want to improve my poor English. B: Then you should study Crazy English.

I‘d like to improve my English pronunciation. What a fool I was to do such a thing

秘诀11 双元音饱满到位


双元音发饱满到位 IPA:[??] [e?] [??]

K.K:[??] [e] [o]

A: Is he coming back soon? B: I have no idea.

A: I don‘t like working overtime. B: Neither do I.

A: I hate being late for work! B: Me too.

秘诀12 短元音急促有力

Let‘s ge英音: [lets ?e(t) t????????????]—略音[t]

美音: [l?ts ??(t) t????????????]—略音[t] Don‘t bother me. I‘m busy.

He is difficult to get along with.

The food here really tastes delicious.

第二节 连读技巧


(1)字尾辅音+字首元音 “异性相吸”



I‘ll be back-in half-an-hour. 我半小时就回来。

英音:[??l b?????k??n h??f??n??u?]—口语中读音[??l b??????k?n ?h??f?n?u?]

美音:[??l b?????k??n h?f??n????]—口语中读音[??l b????????n ?h?f?n?u?]

Take-a look-at-it. 看一看吧。

英音:[t???????????????]—口语中发音[?t??????????t?t] 美音:[t??????????t??t] —口语中发音[?t?????????d?t]A: I have a cold.

B: Take care of yourself.


李阳疯狂英语900句 Lesson 1: Greetings 打招呼 英语单词:

Florida n.佛罗曝达(美国的一个州) keep in touch 保持联系 英语口语句型 1. Hello.你好.. 2. Hi.嗨。

3. Good morning.早上好。 4. Good afternoon.下午好。 5. Good evening.晚上好。 6. Good night.晚上好/晚安。 7. Good day.你好。 8. How are you?你好吗?

9. I'm fine, thanks.我很好,谢谢。 10. Very well, thank you.我很好,谢谢。 11. And you?你呢?

12. How are you doing?你最近怎么样? 13. How have you been?你最近好吗? 14. It's been a long time.好久不见。 15. How is…?……好吗?

16. How was your day?你今天过得怎么样? 17. What's happening?发生了什么事? 18. What's new?最近怎么样? 19. What's up?近来怎样? 20. I'm home!我回来了! 英语情景对话1:

Bill:Good morning, sir.比尔: 早上好 Man:Good morning.男士:早 Paulo:Hello, Bill. How are you today? 保罗:嗨,比尔,今天好吗? Bill: Fine, thanks. Beautiful day! 比尔:很好,谢谢你:今天天气真好!

Paulo:Good for busincss.保罗:是个做生意的好日子。Bill:Sure is比尔:说的是。

Paulo:See you later.保罗:回头见。

Bill:OK. Paulo. See you later.比尔: 好,回头见,保罗


Pedro:It's been a long time.佩德罗:好久不见了。 Michael: Yes, it is.


Pedro:How have you been?佩德罗:你最近好吗?

Michael: Much better since I spoke to you last. 迈克尔:比上次和你讲话时好多了。

Pedro:You know, Michael, I'm sorry about... 佩德罗:迈克尔,我要告诉你,我很抱歉关于…… Michael: You don't have to be. 迈克尔: 不用道歉。

Pedro: Then why are you still angry? Anyway, I am sorry,

佩德罗: 那么你为什么还生气?不管怎么样,我感到很抱歉e

Michael I am, too. I thought we were friends. 迈克尔: 我也是,我想我们是好朋友:

Pedro: We were.佩德罗: 是的,我们是好朋友。 Michael: How is Marian? 迈克尔:玛丽安她好吗?

Pedro:I don't know. I haven't seen her for almost thrce years.

佩德罗: 我不知道。我已经快三年没有看到她了, Michael:Didn't she stay with you? 迈克尔: 她没有跟你在一起吗?

Pedro: No. I saw her for a few weeks, and then she left. She went to Florida.

佩德罗: 没有,我们交往就几个星期,她就离开了。她到佛罗里达州去了。

Michael: Haven't you kept in touch? 迈克尔: 你们没有保持联络吗?

Pedro: No. There was no reason to. I was happy to see her go.

佩德罗: 没有,没有这个必要,我很高兴她走了。 Michael: Then why did you... 迈克尔: 那么你为什么要….

Pedro: Now wait a minutc, Michael. I didn't go looking for her. She came to me.

佩德罗: 慢着,迈克尔,不是我去找她的,过去是她找上门来的。


Lesson 02 Meeting People 相识 英语单词:

pleased a.高兴;满意 pleasure n.愉快;乐事 museumn. 博物馆 英语口语句型

21. This is…这位是……

22. I want you to meet…我介绍你认识…… 23. Do you know…?你认识……吗? 24. Let me introduce…让我来介绍…一 25. How do you do?您好。

26. I'm very pleased to meet you.很高兴认识你 27. I'm glad to meet you.很高兴认识你口 28. It's nice to meet you.认识你很高兴,,. 29. It's a pleasure meeting you.很高兴见到你。


Paulo: Bill! 保罗: 比尔! Bill: Hi, Paulo. 比尔: 嗨,保罗。 J

Paulo: Bill, this is my sister, Joanna Farias.

保罗: 比尔,这是我妹妹乔安娜·法瑞斯。 Bill: Very pleasedd to meet you. 比尔: 很高兴认识你。

Paulo: Excuse me, Bill. Your last name is...? 保罗: 抱歉,比尔。你的姓是……? Bill: O'Neill. 比尔: 奥尼尔。 Paulo: Bill, O'Neill. 保罗: 比尔·奥尼尔。

Joanna: How do you do, Mr. O'Neill? 乔安: 奥尼尔先生,您好。 Bill: Call me Bill.

比尔: 叫我比尔就可以了。

Woman: Excuse me, sir. Is this the Museum of Modern Art?

女士: 先生,对不起,请问这是不是现代博物馆?

Paulo: Good-bye, Bill. See you this aftemoon. 保罗: 再见,比尔,下午见。

头,就算是打招呼了。在较正式的场 合,初次见面,当对方说¨How do you do? 及“I'm pleased to meet you.”时,我们只 要再重复一次回答对方就

Bill: Good-bye. A pleasure meeting you, Joanna. Now, Miss, the Museum of Modem Art 行了,非常简单。 双方是否需要握手致意则按具体情况而定. 年轻人通常会说。Hi! Nice to meet is...

比尔: 再见。很高兴和你见面,乔安娜。嗯,小姐,现代艺术博物馆在…


Maria: Howard,this is Paulo Farias, the new manager, and his sister, Joanna. My husband, Howard Becker.


Joanna & Howard: Nice to meet you. 乔安娜和霍华德:很高兴认识您。 Paulo: Here's the room, 201. 保罗:到了,就是这间,201室。 文化知识:

按照西方礼仪,一般总是把年轻者介 绍给年长者.把地位,年资较低者介绍给地 位,年资较高者,把男子介绍给女子,以表 示对后者的礼貌和尊重:如This is…(这位 是……).在非正式场合,尤其在年轻人之 间,气氛比较随便,没有拘束,常用Do you know…?(你认识……吗?)有时互相微笑 点一下

you,“之 后再接着说:I've heard a lot about you. (我听说过很多关于你的事)相当于我们常 说的“久仰大名”:I've wanted to meet you for a long time.(我旱 就想认识你了)。如此一来,对话马上就展开。发现彼此熟悉的话题, 可以拓展谈话内容,这是会话的秘诀口能说一门流利外语的人,通常 都喜欢讲话,也善于昕别人讲话.那些很容易和人聊起来的社交高手 部具备这种特质.在道别的时候,不妨这么说t lt was nice meeting you 认识你很荣幸)。此处的be动词是用过去式was,所以可以知道 彼此的谈话到此结束。


Lesson 03: Farewell 告别

30. See you.再见。 31. Good-bye.再见。 32. Good day.日安/再见。 33. Good night.晚安。


Paulo: Hello, Bill. 保罗: 比尔,你好。

Bill: Hi, Paulo. How are you? 比尔: 嗨,保罗,你好吗?

Paulo: Fine, thanks. Bill, this is my motber, Mrs.

Farias. Mother, Bill O'Neill.

保罗: 很好,谢谢。比尔,这位是我妈妈法瑞斯太太。妈妈,这位是比尔·奥尼尔。

Farias: How do you do, Mr. O'Neill? 法瑞斯太太: 奥尼尔先生您好。 Bill: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Farias. 比尔: 很高兴认识您,法瑞斯太太。 Farias: Paulo, is that Joanna over there? 法瑞斯太太: 保罗,那边那位是不是乔安娜? Paulo: Yes. Joanna! Joanna! 保罗: 是的。乔安娜!乔安娜!

Mrs. Farias: Goodbye, Mr. O'Neill. Nice to meet you.

法瑞斯太大: 奥尼尔先生,再见,很高兴认识你。 Bill: A pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Farias. Good night, Paulo, see you tomorrow.

比尔: 很高兴认识你,法瑞斯太太,祝您晚安。保罗,明天见. 语言文化:

Goodbye这个词是从God be with you.(愿神与你同在) 这句话衍生而来的,所以有祝福对方幸运、平安的味道。与人道别的用语不少,还有青年人比较常用的说法,如:See you! (再见),See you+时间! (待会儿见!)但已经完全融人人 们口语中的bye-bye这个宇,其实是小孩子的用语,请不要随意用。在英国,道别的时候也有人说“Good

day!”当然了,达是“Have a good day!”(再见,

祝你有美好的一天!省略的结果。道别时还可以说 Good morning或是good evpnjng.这些都是英式的说法,以此类推,在 傍晚时分和人道别时所说的Good night并不是只有-晚安-的意思。

Lesson 04 Pleading 请求 英语单词 bake 烘烤 stew 炖肉菜 steno pad 速记本

corp.=oorporation 大公司 address 地址:住址 brochure 介绍情况的小册了 sincerely 真诚的 florist 花商 英语口语句型

34. Excuse me.对不起。 35. Yes?有什么事?

36. Can you help me?您能帮个忙吗? 37. I'm sorry.不行啊。

38. Can you help me with…?你能帮我做……吗?39. No way.没门儿。

40. Would you help me…?你能帮我做……吗? 41. Can you give me a hand?你能帮我一个忙吗?42. I have a favor to ask.我想请你帮个忙。 43. Would you do me a favor?你能帮我一个忙吗?

44. May I…? 我可以……吗? 45. I'm afraid not.恐怕不行。 46. May I…?我能……吗? 47. Go ahead.进行吧。 48. Forget it.休想。

49. I can ... can't I?我能……吧? 50. Of course, you may.你当然可以。 51. Do you mind…?你介意……吗? 52. Not at all.一点也不。

53. Would you mind if…?如果……,你介意吗? 54. Please.拜托。

55. Do it for…就算是为了…… 英语情景对话1:

Carlo: What are those, Anna? 安娜, 那些是什么? Anna: Baked potatoes. 烤的马铃薯. Counterman: Next! 下一位!

Man: A hamburger and french fries, please. 请给我一个汉堡, 还有一客炸薯条.

Counterman: Joe, a burger and fries. Next! 乔, 汉堡、薯条一客! 下一位!

Anna: You're next, Carlo. 卡洛, 轮到你了. Carlo: Uh, stew, a salad, and coffee, please. 这个..., 请给我炖肉、一客沙拉、还有咖啡. Counterman: Here you are. The coffee's at that counter over there. Next!

这是你的, 咖啡在那边的柜台上. 下一位. Anna: Vegetable soup, please. 请给我蔬菜汤. Counterman: Here you are. Next! 这是你的. 下一位!


Mr. Crawford: Ms. Segura, step into my office, please.Bring your steno pad.

瑟姑拉小姐,请带著速记簿到我的办公室来! Laura: Yes, sir!是的,先生。

Mr. Crawford: To Mr. James C. Wilson, President, United Printing Corp. You can look up the address in the files.

给联合印刷公司董事长詹姆斯?威尔逊先生, 你可在档案中找到他的地址. Laura: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生.

Mr. Crawford: "Dear Sir: Please send this office 10,000 copies of the World's Fair brochure. Thank you. Sincerely," and sign my name. " 威尔逊先生, 请寄一万份世界博览会手册, 谢谢您" 然后签我的名字.

Laura: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生.

Mr. Crawford: Send that out this morning, Ms. Segura. 今天早上要寄出, 瑟姑拉小姐. Laura: Yes, sir. 是的, 先生.

相关热词搜索:疯狂英语 疯狂英语怎么说 《疯狂英语》杂志 疯狂英语杂志


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